It feels great now that it's in the low 100 degrees! Phew!
Welllllll that's another week gone. I know I talk about how time is so weird here a lot but it literally feels like I was sitting writing...
Two Month Mark
Wow this past week went by pretty fast. Thanks so much to everyone for your emails last week, sorry I haven't had a chance to respond to...

Hey everyone!! So I've been getting some emails that the blogs subscription service hasn't been working, and that some of you wanted to...
Week One In The Mission Field
Wellllll week one down and the mission field and the gun has gone off (in the Cross Country race analogy that is, and in the streets of...
Krupa leaves, Bednar shows up
Holaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Well it's sad to say but the Trio has been broken up and gone down to two. Elder Krupa's ailments got the best of him...
The Week of Ghost Peppers
Heyyyyy everyone, So to kick things off I think the biggest thing we've been trying to do the past 7 days has been to SYL (speak your...

Pics from this week
Here are a few pics from the past week. The highlights include the amazing care package that Sharon brought me which contained real,...
Starting my warm up
Well yesterday marked my halfway point in the MTC, not sure whether or not that qualifies as any kind of accomplishment but hey I'll take...
MTC Livin'
Sup Fam, Hope everyone's had a good week, this week has been kinda crazy here at the MTC. So on Thursday one of my companions (I have two...
Getting off the Bus
Heyyyyy everyone, I hope you all had a great week! Because it's been amazing out here at the MTC (Missionary Training Center). Our...